Water Innovation Europe 2021

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The Water Europe Platform organized the online edition of Water Innovation Europe 2021 (WIE) on 14-18 June, under the theme “EU Water-Smart Society for Global Leadership”.

The event offered a unique opportunity to hear from a variety of top-notch speakers of the water sector and get the latest updates on the new technologies, innovations and projects. For 1 week the WIE offered 5 sessions and 9 side events related to water resources.

From Bioazul participated in this event on June 15th where received the Water Europe Innovation Award 2021 within the category of Water Technology & Infrastructures for our RichWater® technology.

This award means a very important recognition of our daily work. As our CEO Antonia Lorenzo mentioned in her speech “we have been working in the last 18 years with the motivation to contribute to the resolution of societal challenges, especially those related to water. And RichWater® system is one important result of these efforts”.

We also joined one of the sides events of the WIE 2021: the Innowise Scale, an event organized within the EIT Food project “Water scarcity in South”. The objective of this project is to enhance knowledge and overcome current barriers to tackle water scarcity in Southern Europe through innovation, entrepreneurship, education and communication.

The project will support scaleups and SMEs working on innovative products or services enabling a better water management, optimising water supply and demand, and fostering climate change readiness of the European economy. The InnoWise Scale activities will be held around 3 case studies on water management in the agricultural, food and beverage and utilities sector, gathering up to 20 scaleups and SMEs and 3 potential end users.

The first event of the Innwoise Scale took place during the Water Innovation Europe with the aim of addressing the challenges through acting together against water scarcity. Bioazul participated in this side event through our colleague Rafael Casielles who was the host of the Innowise Scale.

The event had the water scarcity experts view in agriculture with the presentation of Prof. Attilio Toscano from University of Bologna; in food & beverage industry thanks to Mercedes Yartu from PepsiCo and in the infrastructure sector presented by Eva Martinez from AQUALIA.

The case studies selected were also presented:

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