Summary of the third webinar of NBS for Water Management

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Last February 23rd, 2022,  Bioazul as the ambassador of the community “NBS for Water Management” within the Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform, organized the third workshop titled “Benefits and opportunities for nature-based enterprises participating in EU-funded projects”.

In this workshop of the NBS for water management community, we invited three innovative and successful members to share their experience on international and cooperation programmes.

The online event began with the welcome of Antonia Lorenzo, CEO of Bioazul, and continued with the introduction to the Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform presented by Gerardo González, project manager at Bioazul. He highlighted that they are currently 1886 users registered on the platform of which 332 are enterprises & organizations. These users have also posted 47 challenes and 151 opportunities.

The first speaker was Marco Harl, PhD and Ecological Engineer at Alchemia Nova. He presented some of the project that they are working such as VertECO about a vertical ecosystem for indoor and outdoor greywater treatment; WATERAGRI on sustainable solutions for water retention and nutrient recycling; and GreenInstruct focused on refabrication of a modular wall panel made from construction and demolition waste.

The webinar continued with Polona Pengal, PhD and co-founder and scientific director of Institute REVIVO. She highlighted the work that this institute do to conserve aquatic ecosystems through research and awareness raising activities. She also introduced some projects as DRYvER on drying rivers and climate change; or NAIAD which works on operationalise “Natural Assurance Schemes” to internalise the insurance value of river systems.

The last spekaer was Alain Petitjean, PhD and Research Associate at EcoBIRD, te Office of Engineering for Research and Development in Ecology. Some of the initiatives that he presented were Life Intext focused on the extensive resource recovery from wastewater in small communities and LIFE ADSORB on the implementation and demonstration of an innovative solution based on the treatment of wetlands to reduce the pollutant loads of stormwater discharged into the natural environment.

The webinar finalised with Gerardo who announced the next events of Connecting Nature:

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