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  • REMEDI: New methodology for pharmaceutical wastewater treatment

REMEDI: New methodology for pharmaceutical wastewater treatment


Innovation to deal pharmaceutical contamination in wastewater

Academic and industrial expertise combination

Researchers training

Pharmaceuticals represent a major contributor to water contamination. Iodinated X-ray contrast medium agents (CMA) are used for the imaging of soft tissues in elevated doses for each imaging operation. CMAs are resistant to conventional biological wastewater treatment and have been detected at high concentrations not only in the effluents of wastewater treatment plants but in drinking water as well.

The EU-funded REMEDI project will train early-stage researchers and future professionals in the domain of competitive use of water resources within an industrial environment, focussing on water scarcity provoked by pharmaceutical contamination. Enhanced loading of water resources with pharmaceuticals is a key challenge in meeting the objectives of the EU Water Framework Directive.

REMEDI aspires the ideas of a circular economy and aims at recovering the retained X-ray Contrast Media agents in water treatment systems, rivers and lakes. Novel technologies will be developed to convert CMA-loaded Fe-minerals into marketable products whose suitability will be evaluated. 5 early-stage researchers address these challenges with a level of interaction and synergy among academic and non-academic players leading to forming a cadre of scientists with skills apt to unravel complex environmental scenarios.


  • Develop, test, and optimize novel approaches for capturing CMA in water treatment systems and to convert the trapped CMA into marketable products for pharmaceutical development.

  • Establish an innovative methodology for mitigating CMA in natural water systems including lakes and rivers by adding Fe-containing by-products from water treatment.

  • Develop mechanistic and quantitative models for processes and mechanisms controlling the behavior of CMA during coupling with sorbent minerals.


POLIMI (Italy)
TAUW (Germany)
UOW (United Kingdom)

Bioazul (Spain)
BRAC (Italy)

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Status: Active

Financing Program: Horizon 2020 – MSCA-ITN-2020

Contract nº: 956384

Duration: January 1, 2021 –  August 31, 2025 (56 months)

Budget: 1.348.543,44 € (CE Contribution: 1.348.543,44€)

Contact person: Antonia Lorenzo (alorenzo@bioazul.com)