• Projects
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  • NOVAFERT: Novel procedures and sustainable guidelines to enhance the use of alternative fertilisers

NOVAFERT: Novel procedures and sustainable guidelines to enhance the use of alternative fertilisers


Awareness raising of environmental performances of alternative fertilisers

Action plans to maintain nitrogen and phosphorus flows within the EU safe ecological boundaries

Identification of specific targets and policies stimulating collective actions to foster alternative fertilizers

The new Fertilising Product Regulation (FPR) increases the number of CE-marked alternative fertilising products on the EU’s market, including organic, organo-mineral and mineral bio-based fertilisers by reducing dependency on imported mineral fertilisers. However, the acceptance of these novel alternative fertilising products requires knowledge sharing among farmers and citizens about their fertilising efficiency and safety.

NOVAFERT aims to orientate the production and the application of alternative fertilising products according to the best environmental performances, by establishing methodological guidelines for the assessment of alternative fertilising products’ production, storage, distribution and application.

A regional approach, covering 7 EU regions and different types of secondary raw materials, will also support the development of sustainable local value chains deploying alternative fertilising products. To achieve this, seven Regional Working Groups (RWGs) will be set up (one per target region), that will bring together relevant regional stakeholders according to the quadruple helix model of innovation.

These strategies will be helpful to enhance the uptake of alternative fertilising products and contribute in the long term to recommending directional guidelines for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

Furthermore, the use of alternative fertilising products should contribute to improve the nutrient flows, especially from nutrient-rich side-streams, reducing the nutrient losses into the environment.


  • Mapping of existing alternative fertilising products across Europe and development of an atlas of existing nutrient-oriented living labs.
  • Development of a consensual method for the environmental assessment of the alternative fertilising products.
  • Regional contextualisation of the available technologies for nutrients recovery and alternative fertilising products development and connection of all regional value chains and relevant stakeholders in 7 regional working groups.
  • Identification of 7-10 lighthouse demos to foster the sustainable use and management of alternative fertilising products.
  • Development of a portfolio of support policies and legislative instruments suitable for the alternative fertilising products deployment in seven EU regions through 7 specific action plans and 4 policy briefs.
  • Co-creation of novel, circular and green business models.


UGent (Belgium)

IPS Konzalting (Croatia)

EIT Food (Spain)

UVic (Spain)


LUKE (Finland)

Teagasc (Ireland)

Impact (Belgium)

MEERI (Poland)

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Website: www.novafert.eu

Status: Active

Funding programme: Horizon Europe

Contract nº: 101060835

Duration: 1st September 2022 – 31st August 2025 (36 months)

Budget: 1.998.829,00 € (EC funding: 1.998.829,00 €)

Contact person: Pilar Zapata (pzapata@bioazul.com)