Our Services
Integrated consultancy service for projects of strategic interest with high market potential
Tailored industrial and urban wastewater treatment solutions
Wastewater treatment, humidification and energy efficiency systems
NaWaTech was a 42 months successful project that took place in Pune and Nagpur cities from Maharastra region, India, based on the optimised use of different urban water flows by treating each of these flows via a modular system taking into account the different nature and degree of pollution of the different water sources, as well as the further use to be given to the treated water. This holistic approach for water management that constitutes the NaWaTech system favours the effective management of municipal water resources, of water supply and sanitation services and of the municipal water cycle as a whole in urbanised areas of India, cost-effectively improving the water quality of urban surface water and restoring depleting groundwater sources.
BIOAZUL responsible for the design, installation and set up, operation and monitorisation of a system composed by a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) and a Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) for the Amanora Park Town in Pune. Both systems can treat urban wastewater flows to reuse it and complement traditional water sources. Furthermore, other five systems were designed in five additional locations. Approximately 4,000 people will benefit from the water treated by these systems, diminishing this way the dependency to the Municipal Supply Corporation.
A final publication summarising all work carried out within the project, as well as all results obtained, was produced. This publication constituted issue #25 of “Sustainable Sanitation Practice” (EcoSan Club,Vienna, Austria, Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP), Issue 25, January 2016, ISSN: 2308-5797) of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), which is available in English language at their library.
El proyecto finalizó en diciembre de 2015 y se han generado resultados muy valiosos para el desarrollo del sector en India:
Ficha inicial:
Website: http://www.nawatech.net/
Estado: Finalizado
Programa de financiación: 7º Programa Marco
Contrato nº:308336
Duración: 1 Julio, 2012 – 31 Diciembre, 2015 (42 meses)
Presupuesto: 1.768.557,39€ (financiación CE: 1.435.792,14€)
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