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  • INNOWWIDE AQUASURE: Improving the resilience and sustainability of smallholder farmers

INNOWWIDE AQUASURE: Improving the resilience and sustainability of smallholder farmers


Water filtration system for the removal of organic waste

Technology designed and adapted to small rainbow trout producers

Reduction of environmental impact and increase productivity

Aquaculture is currently the fastest growing food production system globally even replacing traditional fisheries. Innovations in the sector are developed mainly for large producers and are barely implemented by small and medium producers due to their limited investment capacity, although they represent 96% of fish-farmers worldwide.

AquaSure® system has been the main outcome of this project which was aimed to develop a tailor-made water filtration system to remove solid residues for small and medium rainbow trout farmers ponds and thus, increase productivity and decrease their environmental impact.

BIOAZUL has designed and adapted this technology with the collaboration of ASTRUCEL, an association of 22 small and medium producers of rainbow trout, located in Ginebra, Cauca Valley (Colombia).

AquaSure® system, based on Filtration Drums technology, has a modular designed to reduce the investment costs, to be adapted to the production capacity and to reduce operation and maintenance costs thanks to a self-adaptive mode. These features allow farmers to purchase AquaSure® system according to their investment capacity and production requirements. This modular design also facilitates the system transport, especially for not well connected and difficult to reach locations, and its assembly on-site.

Results obtained

  • AquaSure® as a competitive filtration system for fishponds with high solid concentration, which increases fish productivity.
  • The implementation of AquaSure® leads to a reduction of 12% of production costs.
  • AquaSure® is designed for small and medium rainbow trout producers and adapted to their investment capacity, with low CAPEX and OPEX and a payback period calculated for a small and a medium producer is 0.48 years and 0.11 years, respectively.
  • AquaSure® highly contributes to turn aquaculture more sustainable and it is aligned with the Circular Economy principles by reusing the filtrated water and upgrading the extracted organic residues, and by reducing the organic waste generated and discharge to water bodies by 8-10 tons/year


Bioazul (Spain)

ASTRUCEL (Colombia)

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Status: Finished

Financing program: INNOWWIDE

Contract nº: 822273

Duration: October 1, 2020 – March 31, 2021 (6 months)

Budget: 86.000€ (INNOWIDE Contribution : 60.000€)

Contact person: Antonia Lorenzo (alorenzo@bioazul.com)