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  • CARDIMED: Climate adaptation and resilience demonstrated In the Mediterranean region

CARDIMED: Climate adaptation and resilience demonstrated In the Mediterranean region


Comprehensive digital framework of the NBS impacts to Climate Resilience

Demonstration of 47 different types of Nature-based Solutions

Development of 9 demonstration sites

“Twin digital and green transition” is at the heart of the European Green Deal objectives, and a key pathway towards a climate resilient future. However, in the sensitive, biodiverse and culturally diverse climate hotspot of the Mediterranean (MED) biogeographical region, the establishment of a nature-positive economy and a climate-resilient society based on green and digital innovation is a challenge.  

CARDIMED will introduce a framework to build Climate Resilience in the Mediterranean biogeographical region, efficiently unifying individual efforts of regions and communities across different countries and continents. This will be achieved by deploying the digital infrastructure to harmonise the data collection and evaluation processes, providing open data to all the actors involved in the Nature-based Solutions (NbS) value chain and integrating crucial functions for Climate Resilience. 

Among these functions, smart digital tools for citizen participation and capacity building will supplement an ambitious multi-stakeholder engagement strategy, focused on knowledge translation and impact pathways. Furthermore, holistic modelling tools introducing the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus approach will provide comprehensive knowledge on the complex NbS interfaces, that will decisively contribute to addressing socio-ecological challenges, along with issues of valuation and low-investment rate in NbS. 

These actions will be implemented across 9 demonstration sites, composed of 10 regions, 20 locations and 28 communities and comprising 47 NbS that directly relate to 83 interventions and supporting units that tackle climate change and circularity challenges. The consolidation of the demonstrating regions and communities will establish the CARDIMED Resilience Alliance, that will function as the vehicle for expanding the network via upscaling the existing sites and adding new ones. 

The project includes 5 transferability cases, as well as an additional 10 that will be defined during the implementation. 


  • To deliver a comprehensive digital framework, capable of providing region-wide assessment of the NBS impacts to Climate Resilience, while supporting stakeholder engagement through intuitive tools and interfaces. 
  • To deliver a holistic suite of modelling tools for assessing and providing decision support with regards to Climate Reslience, particularly focusing on NBS applicability for mitigating climate risks. 
  • To introduce a strategy needed to scale up community resilience, actively engaging stakeholders and cocreating with local communities’ knowledge impact and knowledge translation pathways. 
  • To showcase the validity and potential of NBS as key tools towards building regional Climate Reslience. 
  • To consolidate the project’s results and establish a growing network for the build-up of Climate Resilience in the MED region, improving acceptance to NBS and CR solutions in general, establishing links with relevant initiatives and ensure the financial sustainability of the network. 

consortium MAP


NTUA (Greece)                     

ICSS (Greece) 

UU (Netherlands) 

BIOAZUL (Spain) 

CORE (Greece) 

CETAQUA (Spain) 

AQUATEC (Spain) 

ICLEI (Germany) 

CREAF (Spain) 

ANRI (Austria) 

LIBRA (Greece) 

ALEA (Italy) 

CTCON (Spain) 

MedINA (Greece) 


RNA (Greece) 

SAR (Greece) 

HALCOR (Greece) 

ITA (Spain) 

PSTE (Greece) 

REHY (Greece) 

UNIVPM (Italy) 

UNIBO (Italy) 

IRIDRA (Italy) 

UNICT (Italy) 

MUCA (Italy) 

DRT (Italy) 

SVIMED (Italy) 

SEMIDE (France) 

AMU (France)

EMPAN (France) 

PACA (France) 

CRICE (Spain) 

UVIC (Spain) 

DGA (Spain) 

UEVORA (Portugal) 

CIMAC (Portugal) 

EBOS (Cyprus) 

GOFT (Cyprus) 

MNC (Cyprus) 

IZT (Turkey) 

IZDOGA (Turkey) 

IZMM (Turkey) 

DOGA (Turkey) 

IZSU (Turkey) 

EWA (Malta) 

BABEG (Austria) 

SEO (Spain) 

MUR (Spain) 

EMUASA (Spain) 

IRENA (Croatia) 


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Status: Active

Website: CARDIMED 

Contract nº: 101112731

Funding program: Horizon Europe

Duration: 1st September 2023 – 29th February 2028 (54 months)

Budget: 20,806,271.44€ (EU funded: €19,307,911.25)

Contact person: David Salaberri (dsalaberri@bioazul.com)