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Antonia María Lorenzo López

Bachelor of Agricultural Chemistry and specialist in Environmental Engineering and Technology. She started managing international R&D projects more than 20 years ago at the Technology Transfer Center TTZ-Bremerhaven (Germany). She later returned to Spain and founded BIOAZUL in 2003 with the hope of promoting sustainability, environmental protection and efficient water management, from an inclusive approach. Likewise, she has been working for the European Commission since 2012 as an external expert and evaluator in several of its programs and has specialized in aspects related to intellectual protection and exploitation. Furthermores, she is European Ambassador for the Climate Pact and leader of the “Water & Sustainable Agrifood” Working Group within WATER EUROPE.

She is always linked to water management, treatment and reuse projects, nature-based solutions, circular economy, among others; make it a benchmark in programs within the framework of the European Community included in the current Horizon Europe. One of her greatest personal motivations is to contribute to the resolution of social challenges, which has led her to be a member of different NGOs and president of the Rizoma Foundation and the Cluster of Solutions based on Nature created in Malaga, always keeping an eye on attention to the citizen and pursuing a management of the territory that is friendlier to society. She is fond of mindfullnes and yoga.