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We have prepared this article to introduce you to the Horizon Europe programme, the framework programme for research and innovation (R&I) of the European Union for the period 2021-2027.
Horizon Europe was born with the vision of building a sustainable, fair and prosperous future for people and the planet based on European values. Fight against climate change and contribute to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The general objective of the program is to achieve a scientific, technological, economic and social impact of the EU’s investments in R&I, thus strengthening its scientific and technological bases and promoting the competitiveness of all Member States.
With a budget of 95,517 million euros for this seven-year period, Horizon Europe will be the Framework Program with the largest budget to date, having the potential to generate significant economic, social and scientific benefits. It is estimated that Horizon Europe will generate 11 euros in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) profit for every euro invested, create up to 320,000 new highly qualified jobs by 2040 and consolidate Europe’s leadership in Research and Innovation. The Program is designed with an investment mindset rather than as a purely financing instrument, and will be planned to help the EU make the transition to a prosperous and sustainable future.
The Horizon Europe Program will have a structure based on three pillars:
Pillar 1, Excellent Science, which through the European Research Council (ERC) will finance research projects on the frontier of knowledge designed and led by researchers. It will also support the professional development and training of research staff, through the international and cross-sector mobility activities of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) program and will invest in improving and optimizing transnational access to world-class research infrastructures.
Pillar 2, Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness, will finance research within social challenges, strengthen industrial technological capabilities and establish missions with ambitious objectives oriented towards major global challenges (health, climate change, renewable energy, mobility, security, digital, materials, etc.). In addition, it will support the creation of European associations (or European partnerships) with the Member States and the industry to work together on R&I. It will also include the Joint Research Center (JRC) that will assist the EU and national governments in their decision-making by providing them with scientific evidence and technical support.
Pillar 3, Innovative Europe, aims to make Europe a pioneering power in market-making innovation and growth of innovative SMEs through the European Innovation Council (EIC). It will support leading innovators, entrepreneurs, SMEs and scientists with an ambition to grow on an international scale. Additionally, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) will continue to promote the integration of research, higher education and entrepreneurship through Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC).
These three pillars will be based on a horizontal program, Expanding participation and strengthening the European Research Area (ERA), dedicated to helping EU Member States in their efforts to develop their national research and innovation potential, and especially to those States with the lowest performance in R&I to improve their participation in Horizon Europe.
Below, we have made a compilation of workshops organized by the European Commission and the CDTI that explain various aspects of the Horizon Europe program, from the preparation of proposals to more specific aspects of clusters 5 and 6.
We hope they are useful to you.
Horizon Europe Info Days in Spain. 2nd and 3rd December 2020.
Webinar: How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe. 24th March 2021
Webinar: A successful proposal for Horizon Europe: Scientific-technical excellence is key, but don’t forget the other aspects. 21st April 2021
National Infoday Horizon Europe Cluster 6. 29th April 2021
Horizon Europe Cluster 5 Conference “Climate, Energy and Mobility”. Work Program 2021-2022. 12th May 2021
Opportunities for R + D + i in the new European context 13th May 2021
Conference on Horizon Europe: Cluster 6 Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment Overview and workshop for preparing proposals. 24th May 2021
Webinar session: Dissemination & Exploitation in Horizon Europe. 9th June 2021
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