Second transnational meeting of InCEPPP project

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The InCEPPP project partners from Czechia (BIC Brno), Spain (BIOAZUL) and Slovakia (INCIEN SK) met again in November 23-24 in Bratislava. The consortium is busy finalizing the methodology of circular public procurement and circular purchase so they can present it in four languages as soon as possible. Its official launch is planned for the beginning of 2022. All of them consider this topic as key to promoting the concept of circular economy in practice.

At the same time, the partners discuss how to best implement their knowledge and experience while “training the trainers” as another methodology is being complemented within the project. This will be the main focus of the next project phase and they plan to discuss it again all together in April in Prague to present it in June next week. In the fall 2022, there will be these training sessions for all those interested in lecturing the topic of public procurement.


InCEPPP is an Erasmus + project which aims to create and evaluate a methodology for participants of circular public and private procurement course and a methodology for lecturers of such a course. The consortium also have to organise three transnational projects meetings to maximise their expertise and experience and each partner will organize one multiplier event at the end of the project.

Circular economy is an effective way, how we can reduce large sums of different kinds of waste, how we can reuse material that has already been used, how we can reduce unnecessary use of raw materials and how we can ensure sustainable development for next generations. Public and private procurement is an area where implementation of circular economy principles will have a great positive impact. Why exactly this consortium? Because these organisations are active for a long time in the field of circular economy, they have very good cooperation with stakeholders from public and private sectors and they have an active cooperation with project target groups.

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