Our Services
Integrated consultancy service for projects of strategic interest with high market potential
Tailored industrial and urban wastewater treatment solutions
Wastewater treatment, humidification and energy efficiency systems
Last 27th and 28th of March, Greencities – the 10th Urban Intelligence and Sustainability Forum – was held in the city of Málaga.
This forum is a meeting point for institutions, municipalities, companies and professionals with the aim of sharing experiences, offering services and creating synergies for the construction of sustainable and intelligent cities. Greencities serves, therefore, as a unique networking opportunity where all participants can help inspire and develop the municipalities of the future.
Greencities offered an exhibition area where companies could publicize their new products and services, at the same time that different forums and congresses were held:
Bioazul was in this edition through a stand where he presented the URBAN-WASTE project, focused on municipal waste management in tourist cities. For two days, Ángela Magno and Gerardo González were in charge of informing everyone who visited the stand and offered a personalized attention. Different informative brochures were available about URBAN-WASTE and the water engineering products that Bioazul owns as well as the latest European projects in which the company is participating.
URBAN-WASTE project focused on developing eco-innovative and gender-sensitive strategies for the prevention and management of waste in cities with high levels of tourism. These strategies have been implemented in 11 pilot cities and the results have been monitored and disseminated in order to replicate them to other European cities.
URBAN-WASTE is currently coming to the end and therefore, last March 13 and 14, the project held its last working meeting before the final conference. The meeting took place in the city of Dubrovnik (Croatia) where Bioazul attended together with the rest of the consortium partners and the representatives of the pilot cities. The event was organized by DUNEA, the Dubrovnik-Nerteva County Development Agency, and the results from the environmental impact assessment of the measures implemented were presented. Also, a mutual learning workshop was organized where the pilot cities could share their experience and learn from each other. The successful interventions in the cities of Dubrovnik and two guest participants: Porto (Portugal) and Ibiza (Spain), were discussed during the workshop. Finally, the partners visited a sustainable restaurant in the Croatian city, the Konavoski Dvori.
Next 7th of May the Final Conference of Urban Waste will take place in Brussels, an event where experts and representatives of tourism and the 11 pilot cities will meet and present the final results, experiences and figures through presentations and round tables. For more information, click here.
To conclude, a special mention should be made to the Andalusian Agency for Foreign Promotion (Extenda), who organized the panel of presentations titled Elevator Pitch and who invited some of its members to participate. For this reason, Antonia Lorenzo, CEO of Bioazul, did a short presentation about the business activity of Bioazul and the services it provides.
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