The ambassadors of the European Climate Pact are committed to the Blue Economy

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The Ambassadors of the European Climate Pact met on November 29 at the Blue Zone Forum organized by Zona Franca de Cádiz with the aim of taking measures to protect the environment. At this meeting, the ambassadors signed the Declaration of Cádiz; a document in which they made up to 13 proposals for the construction of a greener, healthier and fairer Spain and European Union.

The components of the Pact have a fundamental role in raising awareness of European environmental policies in Spain, both to citizens and to institutions, interested organizations and the media. In the document they have insisted on the need to promote a sustainable blue economy and promote the conservation of bodies of water, tides, oceans and coasts, as well as enhance the Blue Deal, guaranteeing access to water and promoting sustainable management of it. .

BIOAZUL participated in this forum thanks to the fact that our CEO Antonia Lorenzo is an ambassador of the European Climate Pact. There she emphasized the need to take measures against water scarcity and opt for non-conventional water resources such as water regeneration.

Regarding the agreed measures, these are the 13 proposals that make up the Cádiz Declaration:

  1. Promote the “Blue Deal” considering that water is a vital but scarce resource and guarantee access to water and promote its sustainable management.
  2. Promote a sustainable blue economy and promote the conservation of bodies of water, seas, oceans and coasts.
  3. Increase and improve access to sustainable and clean energy.
  4. Guarantee food security and strengthen the primary sector.
  5. Promote the industrial transition towards a green and decarbonized economy.
  6. Improve human well-being through a healthy environment.
  7. Promote environmental education and awareness through public and private entities and NGOs. Supporting and betting on ecosocial competence in educational centers from educational administrations, developing environmental proposals and making existing ones visible.
  8. Ensure intragenerational, intergenerational and interterritorial equity, promoting equality of opportunity and gender.
  9. Develop actions for mitigation, adaptation and resilience to climate change, especially in coastal and vulnerable areas.
  10. Improve governance of the common good.
  11. Relocate strategic industries for the European Union and Spain.
  12. Promote digitalization, innovation and the use of technology to capture and integrate relevant data and make more informed decisions in environmental and economic planning.
  13. Strongly support the EU Mission: Restore our oceans and waters by 2030 and the United Nations Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development.

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