Communication on Progress 2019 – CEO Water Mandate

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Bioazul report the annual communication on progress about its commitment with the CEO Water Mandate

The CEO Water Mandate is a commitment platform for business leaders and learners to advance water stewardship. This platform mobilizes a critical mass of business leaders to address global water challenges through corporate water stewardship, in partnership with the United Nations, governments, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders. Endorsing companies commit to action across six key elements and report annually on progress. In implementing water stewardship, endorsing companies also identify and reduce critical water risks to their businesses, seize water-related opportunities, and contribute to water security and the Sustainable Development Goals. The Mandate is now endorsed by over 150 companies from a range of industry sectors and regions around the world.

Bioazul joined this initiative in July 2019 and committed to support the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and the initiatives of the CEO Water Mandate on the six elements focused on the sustainable management of water and the reduction of water stress.

A year later, we have published our first progress report where we explain how we are committed to contribute positively to sustainable water management aligning our actions to the CEO Water Mandate in its six commitment areas:


Bioazul raises awareness of water sustainability, water and environment conservation through our activities as one of the main pillars of the company philosophy and culture. We participate in several research and development projects of the EU Horizon 2020 in the area of sustainable water management, treatment and reuse such as the RichWater, FIT4REUSE and Water2Return projects.


We actively promote the implementation of innovative technologies and approaches for the sustainable use of water resources, including the use of non-conventional sources such as the reclaimed water. Bioazul is working in a open innovation Living Lab focused on water, within the RichWater demonstration-type project and with the participation and commitment of multiple territorial agents, including water authorities, to codevelop technologies and decision-making tools that enable the management of the water available.


Some of the most important initiative we work on are:


We collaborate as technical advisors together with policy makers, practitioners, academia and civil society organizations in the development of strategic plans such as:

  • Plan DSEAR (National plan for Purification, Sanitation, Efficiency, Savings and Reuse).
  • Plan Regenera (Andalusian Regional Action Plan for the Use of Reclaimed Water).

We are also leaders of the Working Group on Water and AgriFood of the Water Europe platform.


We work closely with local and regional agents in different alliances to promote sustainable practices such as water reuse, nature-based solutions and the circular economy business model implementation.

Furthermore, Bioazul belongs to the Malaga Nature-Based Solutions Cluster and is part of “Axarquía Sostenible”, an operating group created with the purpose of implementing an innovative system of water regeneration and fertigation in the Axarquía region.


The information regarding our progress in the 6 commitment areas of the CEO water mandate is included in our annual Communication on Progress for UN Global Compact.

Click here to check it out.


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