Our Services
Integrated consultancy service for projects of strategic interest with high market potential
Tailored industrial and urban wastewater treatment solutions
Wastewater treatment, humidification and energy efficiency systems
The second WATERBIOTECH workshop has been held in Marrakesh on the 16th- 17th of September, 2013 organized by Cady Ayyad Unuversity (UCA). The main aim of this session was to train relevant stakeholders in the technical and non-technical aspects required for the implementation of the selected biotechnologies for the targeted regions. 40 people attended the workshop including authorities, decision makers, consultants, NGO members, university researchers, etc. The workshop counted with the presence of ONEE, the Morocco National Agency for Water Supply and Electricity.
During the first day of the workshop WATERBIOTECH partners presented the selected biotechnologies; Mr. Rafael Casielles from BIOAZUL explained the basis of Sequential Batch Reactor technology (SBR). Participatory sessions took place in the second day, during the sessions the participants gathered in working groups and discussed the appropriate technologies for a case study presented by WATERBIOTECH partners. The objective was to show in practice how to use the material and recommendations included in the project guidelines and promote the debate between stakeholders about the different aspects which influence the final decision when planning sanitation.
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