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Ms. Pilar Zapata Aranda represented Bioazul in the 1st International NaWaTech workshop organised by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, where she also took the occasion of making some dissemination of TREAT&USE project via poster presentation and leaflets distribution.

The workshop was focused on natural wastewater treatment systems currently being used in developing countries, so that the posters presentations were focused on African, Latin American and Asian countries. In addition, there were some speeches on different topics related to natural wastewater treatment, concretely on constructed wetlands as a low-cost natural technology for water treatment and environmental management tools supporting decisions in river basins, amongst others.

The workshop finalised with a round table were the topic “low-cost natural technologies and sustainable water management in developing countries” was the main focus, being this round table integrated by experts from both the NaWaTech project and the UPC.

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